I need some advice on this issue because even though I have known this girl for sometime now, I’ve a great attraction for her and it’s a pain having to get over someone before moving on to someone else, and I don’t want to move on. I want to fight for what will make me happy because I know she’s worth it.
Idris, Edo
Dear Idris,
You are right up to a point but she is also a minor, which means that her parents are her legal guardians and responsible for her care and well being. So although you consider it okay for her to have a sexual relationship, her parents do have the right to have their views on who she dates and if she is old enough to be with you. It’s common for parents to have worries and concerns when their daughters start dating, regardless of age differences!
If you think this girl is worth the time and effort, offer to hang out with her at her house. Get to know her parents and let them to get to know you. It’s important to be respectful of their boundaries and show them you are willing to follow their rules. It may take some time, but it’ll be worth it to earn their trust and they may become more relaxed. It also shows the girl that you are willing to make the effort and she will appreciate it.
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