"Just Poopin"
Maybe if she hadn't been so honest about what was going on here, she
wouldn't have to kiss Facebook goodbye. Her caption stating, "just
poopin" was kind of a dead giveaway. Cute
At first glance this looks like just another college party selfie? But
who's hand is that on the left? And what's in that bag? Looks like this
selfie captured a lot more than she bargained for. Who knew selfies
could be so scandalous?
Another Photoshop Scandal
This might seem like an innocent Barbie-like selfie, but look again.
Whatever that blue thing by her butt is, seems to curve in a
suspiciously similar way. This has photoshop written all over it.
Bathroom Creeper
Well this isn't creepy at all. Before you take your bathroom selfie,
make sure that 1) someone isn't in the shower behind you and 2) they
aren't staring at you with one eye like they want to murder you. Just
some words of advice before you upload that duck face.
Seeing Double
We're not entirely sure what's going on here, but either this is two
different people trying to make it seem like a mirror image shot or just
some bad photoshop. First of all there are two different shirts, one is
rounded at the bust while the other is a V neck. And where did that
phone go?
Baby Got Back
This girl seems to be showing off her denim buns, but what she didn't
realize is that her poor photoshopping skills have given her away. See
how the door curves out right where her butt is? Yea it's not supposed
to do that
Getting Called Out!
To be fair, this is probably the only time in her life anyone will call her ugly.
hope you enjoyed it.......................oya your comments
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